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Скачать с ютуб Make Your Snare Drum Hit Hard with Compression! в хорошем качестве

Make Your Snare Drum Hit Hard with Compression! 7 лет назад

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Make Your Snare Drum Hit Hard with Compression!

Snare drum compression is one of the big "secrets" that I've learned the importance of! In this video, I go through a few different compressors so you can hear the sound they give. Compression can add more attack and sustain to your snare, which I used to think was all just in the way you play. You still need to play hard, but to get the in-your-face "smack" sound that you hear all over records, you can add a compressor for exaggeration. If you've enjoyed the video, please subscribe, and let me know what else you would like to see more of! Shoot me a message if you’re interested in jamming or some session work, I’d love to help! . . I play Tama Superstar drums with a 22” kick, 12”,14”, and 16” toms, and a Pork Pie Little Squealer 13” snare. For cymbals, I use Zildjian 14” K Hats, 18” & 20” Medium Thin Crashes, a Sabian 21” AA Raw Bell Dry Ride, and an 18” Agazarian China cymbal. Microphones Used: Shure SM57s and SM58s: 12” and 14” Toms, Snare top and bottom Shure Beta 52a: 16” Floor tom Shure Beta 91A: Kick In Sennheiser MD421: Kick Out AKG C214’s: Overheads *All running into a Focusrite Clarett 8pre and Saffire Pro 40 interface
