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Discover the Hidden Power of Algae

Aquarium algae is your best friend. There are 1,000s of types of algae so you might as well pick out a favorite. Although many algae are bad actors, most are pretty harmless. The harmless algae can be found mostly in the green algae classification. There are thousands of algae in this group and they are differentiated by their appearance. Shrimp, Snails and Ostracods eat green algae. Examples of green algae include green water. Green water is wonderful and looks worse than it actually is. Another example of a green algae is spot algae. This is a single celled algae the grows into a colony. Algae is a sign that your aquarium is alive and that nutrients are present. But the down side to these algae are the cynobacteria algae. The algae are nasty and you do not want them in your aquarium at all. There are exotic algae like golden algae and bird bath algae (red algae) that serve many useful purposes to both fish keepers and humans. So, you see, algae is your friend, not your enemy. FATHER FISH is an advocate for natural aquariums. His research over 25 years provides a wealth of information about the creation and maintenance of natural aquariums. On this channel you will find scientific research as well as personal testimonials by countless hobbyists who have applied the Father Fish System and are enjoying its amazing benefits. THE FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need. 24/7 live on Discord:   / discord   You can buy plants, soil supplement, leaf culture & more: https://father-fish-aquarium.myshopif... Father Fish Facebook Page   / 3244678768912659   FatherFish "Keep It Dirted" T-Shirt: FatherFish T-Shirt: FatherFish Apparel: 0:00 Intro 1:17 Class of Algaes 1:57 The Good - Green Film 3:12 The Good - Green Water 4:01 The Good - Spot Algae 4:52 The Bad - Witch's Jelly 07:08 The Bad - Blue Green Algae 08:05 The Ugly - Matting Algae 9:38 The Ugly - Old Man's Beard 11:23 The Ugly - Hair Grass 12:11 Exotic Algae 1 12:52 Exotic Algae 2 All clips are used for illustrative purposes only. Clips courtesy of: SePRO Corporation    • Algae Corner: "What Is It?" - Spirogyra      • Algae Corner: What the Film?      • Algae Corner: "What Is It?" - Witch's...      • Algae Corner: Identifying Weeds & Alg...      • Algae Corner: "What Is It?" - The Bir...   Motic Europe    • Synura - The golden algae | by Motic ...   KPIX CBS NEWS BAY AREA    • Toxic algae bloom killing off thousan...   Aqua World Info    • The Benefits of Keeping a Golden Chin...   dangerousfishbowl    • How to Fix an Algae Problem   TANK FISH    • When you have algae in your tank Fish   LRB Aquatics    • Baby Marimo Balls!? Cladophora Algae      • Why Do These Aquariums Look Like That? 👀   MyIndependentChannel    • Ciliate grazing on Algae      • Radiolarian hanging out in Algae      • Daphnia (in swamp water)   PaducahFishFan    • Two major problems to solve in the 12...   Donald Rubbelke    • Microbial biofilm on alga   Shrimp Mania    • Shrimp Tank Setup with Homemade Bacte...   H2O Plants    • TREATING BLUE GREEN ALGAE - CYANOBACT...   ReefMan    • Cyanobacteria: What is it? How to sol...   Coralust Reef Solutions    • The Perfect Refugium and Fish choose ...      • DIY algae gravel vacuum made from PVC...   Seaquaria    • Project Pico - Fluval Spec 3 - Week 1...   Emboli    • Emboli: Blue Green Algae in Aquariums...      • Emboli: Black Beard Brush Algae Contr...   American Museum of Natural History    • Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) from...   Aquarium Adventures    • Online Aquarium fish order to combat ...   Aquarium Adventures    • H2O2 / Hydrogen Peroxide for algae co...   Brian's Fish Tanks (Aquatic Support Systems)    • Red Isletas and Clown Loach Tank   Bernard Jenni    • Haematococcus pluvialis, the green al...   Rural Delivery    • Astaxanthin Production   TBD Media Group    • Algalif is producing Astaxanthin: nat...   Polyvar2    • Philodina 01   The Fish Room    • New Fish, Algae and Leaking Tanks! - ...   Fishy    • Bristlenose Pleco Succ (Feat. Sterbai...   AquaTK    • Nano Tank Time Lapse #DAY7 Aquarium M...   Digital Atlas of Ancient Life    • Trochus snail feeding   Jon Bondy    • emerald crab eating in a sea of macro...   Joey Slay Em    • POISONOUS Pink Eggs FOUND in GREEN WA...   Jason's Cichlids    • HOW TO - Hatching Daphnia from Eggs f...   TEAM Aquascape    • Watch Us Clean This String Algae! #sh...   Pondguru    • Tropical Snail - Gold Apple Snail at ...   thep0ndman    • The FASTEST way to remove Blanket Wee...   #FATHERFISH #algae #algaeeater #deepsubstratetank #naturalaquarium #plantedaquarium #algaeinfishtanks #fishtube #aquariumalgae #aquariumcoop #algaeandplants #sandsubstrate #walstad #algaebloominaquarium
