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How Guru Nanak Dev Ji Saved Us 4 года назад

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How Guru Nanak Dev Ji Saved Us

We can all agree that the world was a very different place 551 years ago! Hearing the cries of the people, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to save all mankind with a universal message. Join us on this journey through time to explore problems of the past and understand how Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the answer. Where starvation was rife, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji established ‘langar’ as a free meal for all! Oppression and inequality created a fractured society, but Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message of oneness opened the hearts of many and established equality amongst the people. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji defended the weak and stood up to the tyrannical rulers of the time, no matter the cost! Finally, the people were taught the answer to life’s greatest mystery – why am I here? So did Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message stand the test of time? Is Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the solution to the problems we face today? Watch this to find out! Artistic images of Guru Nanak Dev Ji by @jay_kullar (Instagram) #Gurunanakdevji #551 #gurpurab --- Basics of Sikhi is a project by Everythings 13, an educational charity dedicated to spreading the wisdom of the Sikh Gurus. Please SUPPORT our work Contact us: Vaheguru Simran in the Intro and Outro is how Sikhs chant God's name. It's performed by Jagdeep Kaur of Follow us online:­­ikhi
