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Arun Majumdar: Breaking the Wall to Holistic Sustainability | Falling Walls Science Summit 2022 2 года назад

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Arun Majumdar: Breaking the Wall to Holistic Sustainability | Falling Walls Science Summit 2022

Institutions of learning generally approach education vertically, with little integration of knowledge with other disciplines. In the same way, sustainability research until now has mostly been concentrated in the natural sciences or organized in silos. But given the increasing urgency of sustainability in today's world, this approach may ultimately fall short. As Dean of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Arun Majumdar thus approaches sustainability research in an integrated way, by merging the scholarship and educational programs of the Stanford University School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences with the institutes’ excellence in sparking interdisciplinary collaboration. At Falling Walls, Majumdar discusses how the Doerr school's approach as well as its integration of a sustainability accelerator can lead to core innovations in the field of science and innovation management. Speaker: Arun Majumdar – ––––– About the Falling Walls Science Summit Three days of intense scientific discussions, networking, and knowledge sharing in the incredible cosmopolitan city of Berlin! The Falling Walls Science Summit is a leading international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral forum for scientific breakthroughs and science dialogue between global science leaders and society. The event takes place every year from 7–9 November in Berlin, commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall. With formats Falling Walls Pitches (7 November), Falling Walls Circle (8 November) and Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year (9 November), the Falling Walls Science Summit is the leading forum for global science leaders from academia, business, politics, the media, and civil society to debate the potential of scientific breakthroughs to solve grand challenges and shape a sustainable future. The Falling Walls Science Summit is organised by the non-profit Falling Walls Foundation. Falling Walls Foundation: Newsletter: _____ Twitter:   / falling_walls   Instagram:   / falling_walls   Facebook:   / fallingwalls   LinkedIn:   / fallingwalls   _____ Save the Date: FALLING WALLS SCIENCE SUMMIT 7 – 9 NOV 2023
