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Скачать с ютуб An Enchanted Sleep Story: The Gentle Giant & And His Secret World в хорошем качестве

An Enchanted Sleep Story: The Gentle Giant & And His Secret World 10 месяцев назад

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An Enchanted Sleep Story: The Gentle Giant & And His Secret World

Tonight, we'll ascend to a realm of dreams, where floating trees and cloud elevators exist: Join me, as we explore a mystical world high above the clouds... 😴 Our journey begins with a gentle ride on a cloud elevator, leading us to a land where islands float and stars shine closer than ever. We'll meet a kind-hearted gentle giant, wander through the lush forests on floating islands, and glide on the River of Healing. This sleep story weaves healing, and the magic hidden in the stars... CHAPTERS: 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:01:29 - Relaxation 00:09:26 - Sleep Story 00:53:46 - Sounds & Music Website: Sleep Story Playlist:    • Sleep Stories for Grown Ups   Subscribe: Whispers in the Sky: A Magical Sleep Story – Original Story Script, Narration, Music, and Sound Design by Stephen Dalton – All rights are reserved to the Stephen Dalton Meditation & Sleep Channel (2024)
