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Скачать с ютуб One Year Ration Challenge: Frugal Living on a Low Income в хорошем качестве

One Year Ration Challenge: Frugal Living on a Low Income 10 месяцев назад

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One Year Ration Challenge: Frugal Living on a Low Income

Hi Friends, welcome to the introduction of my year of rationing! Navigating the constant pressures of todays cost-of-living crisis only seems to be getting tougher so this year, I'm looking back through time to an age where absolutely NOTHING went to waste! 1940's Britain. In an effort to eat well, reduce waste and remain healthy while living on less, I will be spending the entirety of 2024 living on rations and cooking my way through traditional British WW2 Recipes. I would love to share this journey with you! #frugalliving #ww2 #history As mentioned in the video, here are some resources: If you are currently experiencing food insecurity in Australia, search your postcode for the closest available food bank near you - Foodbank Australia: If you are an international student in the Melbourne region and need food assistance, check out these food aid provider times & locations: 1940's Experiment website: Carolyn's Youtube:    / @1940sexperiment   Rationbook Rebecca's Youtube:    / @rationbookrebecca   Local Elevator by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:
