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Labrinth – Formula (Lyrics)

♫Labrinth – Formula (Lyrics) Stream/Download: Follow Labrinth: Spotify Apple Music Deezer Instagram   / labrinth   Facebook   / labrinth   Twitter   / labrinth   Become our friend:   / allgoodvibe      / goodvibesallday     / allgoodvibe     / good_vibe (Lyrics): [Verse] E equals mc squared I got a blimp inside my head Flew over the cuckoo's nest The lights are on, but there's no one here Puffing with the dragons I'm livin' for the thrill, formula Screws loose on a Monday Screws loose, where's the propane? Screws loose, tell 'em Screws loose, tell 'em Screws loose, tell 'em I'm livin' for the thrill, formula, tell 'em Puffing with the dragons Screws loose, tell 'em I'm livin' for the thrill, formula (Screws loose) Screws loose Tags: Formula Lyrics Labrinth Formula Formula Labrinth Labrinth Formula Lyrics Formula Labrinth Lyrics I'm livin' for the thrill formula Euphoria Soundtrack Labrinth Lyrics Formula #Labrinth #Formula #Lyrics Contact: [email protected]
