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Lucerne City Walking Tour. Medieval City Luzern Switzerland 4K 3 года назад

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Lucerne City Walking Tour. Medieval City Luzern Switzerland 4K

Lucerne, or Luzern, central Switzerland's medieval city on the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne), is one of Switzerland's top tourist attractions, attracting thousands of visitors each yerar. It is also on one of Switzerland's most beautiful lakes. Join us on a short walking tour and visit the Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge), built in 1333, the Old Town (Altstadt), Spreuerbrücke, its second medieval wooden bridge, built in 1406, and the Museggmauer, the intact old City Wall with its 9 towers, built 1350-1408. We also visit the Gletchergarten (Glacier Garden), which was formed by a glacier in the Ice Age. The glacier is now gone but it has left beautiful carved rocks and boulders. Finally we visit the famous Löwendenkmal, or Lion Monument. This carving of a dying lion was built in 1820 and commemorates the death of 26 officers and other 700 soldiers of the Swiss Guard, mercenaries fighting for King Louis XVI of France during the French Revolution in 1792. #Switzerland #Lucerne #citytour #walkingtour
