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I Trained with Minecraft's Best Players for a Week

I trained with some of Minecraft's BEST Players and PvPers for a week to see if I can improve. I played 10 of Minecraft Bedrock's most popular PvP game modes, such as Skywars and Treasure Wars. Also some of the most popular general Minecraft/Java PvP games such as boxing, te bridge, or sumo. Throughout the week I learned a ton of PvP tips, and YOU can use this video to help yourself master PvP! Watch to the end to see if I genuinely improve at the game, and to improve yourself. People: @EmberStruck , @Corruptnnn , @EvidentP , @whyumad , @LilTubBubble , @DeltaMeltage , @akinsl =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 💰-Channel Memberships:    / @dannyisdahbomb   🎮-Click Here to join Danny's Discord Server:   / discord   Donation link if you want to support my expensive videos :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OTHER CHANNELS ✌-2nd Channel:    / @dannyisthebomb   👀-Clips Channel:    / @dannyisdahclips4881   🟣-Twitch:   / dannyisdahbomb   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SOCIALS 🐦-Follow Danny on Twitter:   / dannyisdahbomb   📱-Follow Danny on TikTok: 📸 Instagram:   / dannyisdahbomb   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 🌲My Pack: ⛏ SKIN PACK: (Anyone who buys will be able to compete in one of my videos for a chance at a cash prize! just send proof of purchase!) Make sure to subscribe, crush the bell, and like the video =D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shoutout to Epic members for their support! Sacred:    / @sacred224   Joshua:    / @joshuadzz   Mary:    / @maryannehecht5793   Mega Wither:    / @megawither7549   Lola Von Hola:    / @lolavonhola   Hazard:    / @itshaphazard   Sebonk:    / @sebonk   Shadow:    / @itsshadowlife   Mary Anne:    / @maryannehecht5793   #Minecraft #minecraftpvp
