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Скачать с ютуб Capture your gameplay with Elgato Game Capture HD в хорошем качестве

Capture your gameplay with Elgato Game Capture HD 12 лет назад

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Capture your gameplay with Elgato Game Capture HD

Elgato Game Capture HD enables you to record PlayStation or Xbox gameplay to a Mac or PC and share your journey with friends, fans and generations to come. The included software makes it easy to capture every move you make, even if you forget to press the record button: The unique Flashback Recording feature lets you timeshift your gameplay, so that you can simply slide back in time on your Mac or PC and hit the record button retroactively. Available May 31st at and major online retailers for $199.95 / 199.95 Euro / 179.95 GBP /AUD $279 (suggested retail prices). ▼ Follow Elgato: Twitter:   / elgato   Instagram:   / elgato   Facebook:   / elgato   YouTube:    / elgato   Discord:   / discord  
