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How to Get More Done and Waste Less Time

Struggling to prioritize and make decisions? The Eisenhower Method can help. 📺 Watch this video without AdSense on Nebula: 🛠 COURSES AND RESOURCES: Notion channel -    / thomasfrankexplains   Free Notion templates - Learn Notion - Productivity and Habits courses - 🦙 SPONSOR: Improve your productivity and learn new skills with 2 months of free, unlimited learning on Skillshare: 🐦 SOCIAL STUFF: Instagram ➔   / tomfrankly   Twitter ➔   / tomfrankly   Music Channel ➔    / @thomasfrankmusic   Spotify Study Playlist ➔ 👐 BUSINESS: Please contact my agent at [email protected] My editor Tony's channel:    / @papcrypto   💰 I'm fortunate enough to work with great sponsors who support my work, so I don't use Patreon or any other crowdfunding service. However, if you'd like to support a worthy cause, consider donating to help more children get access to a high-quality education: https://fundraise.pencilsofpromise.or...
