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Скачать с ютуб EAM Jaishankar on India being more 'Hindu': We were a minoritarian pandering nation but not anymore в хорошем качестве

EAM Jaishankar on India being more 'Hindu': We were a minoritarian pandering nation but not anymore 1 год назад

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EAM Jaishankar on India being more 'Hindu': We were a minoritarian pandering nation but not anymore

#jaishankar #sjaishankar #externalaffairsminister #india #hindunation #hindu #culture #belief #nationalnews #london In a recent statement, MEA Jaishankar commented on India's shift away from being a nation that panders to minority groups. He emphasised that India has moved away from this stance and is no longer a minoritarian nation. ► Subscribe to The Economic Times for the latest video updates. It's free! - ► More Videos @ ETTV - ► ► For business news on the go, download ET app: Follow ET on: ► Facebook -   / economictimes   ► Twitter -   / economictimes   ► LinkedIn -   / economictimes   ► Instagram -   / the_economic_times   ► Flipboard - #news #latestnews #economictimes #ET #TheEconomicTimes #businessnews
