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Скачать с ютуб The Leshen - Scary, Mysterious, and Incorrect? - Gaming Deconstructed в хорошем качестве

The Leshen - Scary, Mysterious, and Incorrect? - Gaming Deconstructed 7 лет назад

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The Leshen - Scary, Mysterious, and Incorrect? - Gaming Deconstructed

Throughout the video, I dive into the mythology that inspired the Witcher 3’s Leshen along with the help of Old Man Geralt (or lack of help, really). The conclusion is pretty exciting, really. I love a good twist! (With the music, I couldn't resist a dramatic introduction.) The Leshen always struck me as one of the coolest monsters in the Witcher 3, so it was a no-brainer when I needed a subject! Don’t forget to Subscribe! Like and Share, blah blah. (Seriously. If you like it. C'mon.) Credits Wonderful music and Game: CDPR and the Witcher 3 Sound Effects: Laugh 1: Laugh 2: Laugh 3: Cow Moo: Sort of Spoiler Whether or not they designed it to be what I conclude in the video on PURPOSE is up for debate. I mean, they had to make monsters, so there are a ton of ways it could’ve gone. Although, the “consisting of pine” bit and the wooden body always struck me as too coincidental.
