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(Ghost) Riders In The Sky - Johnny Cash | Violin Cover - Karolina Protsenko

My violin cover of "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky: A Cowboy Legend" is a cowboy-styled country/western song written in 1948 by American songwriter, film and television actor Stan Jones. Johnny Cash's version peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart. His version is arguably the most famous version of the song. My 2 brothers joins me during my violin street performance. I hope you like it. You can support me by streaming or getting my music here! 👇 iTunes:   / sky   Amazon: Spotify: LET'S CONNECT 👇   / karolina_protsenko     / karolina-protsenko-1765415650160168 Mail me! PO Box 941622 Simi Valley, CA 93094 #karolinaprotsenko #girl #violin
