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SNOWY the FAMiLY ELF is back!! the return of Santa Dad! ice skating and musical kids before bed

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!! 🎅🎄 JOIN OUR FAM!! --- Best Elf Day Ever 1169 Guess who starting the vlog this morning?!! If you guessed Adley then you're 100% correct. Its December which means that our Snowy, the family elf on a shelf should be back, watching the kiddos for Santa to see if they are being good and should get presents on Chirstmas. So Adley grabs the vlog and heads into our bedroom to wake us up. We also get to say good morning to baby sister!! Navey is soo happy in the morning, it's so cute! And before we head down stairs to play hide n seek with the elf, we have to get Niko Bear. Once everyone is awake, we sneak downstairs to see who is there? At first, we don't see anything and think that maybe the elf isn't there. So we start working on our morning routine when Adley see the elf sitting on a door frame way up by the ceiling. How did she do that? Snowy is like Adley, climbing all over the house like a little daredevil!! We flow a string that is tied to the elf's arm and discover that she brought the kiddos a small treat and a big gingerbread house fort. But not just any ginger bread house, this one is made to be drawn on. So the entire family grabs markers and we start doing one of our favorite crafts, coloring! What an amazing way to start the day, with tons of family fun!! It's then off to our friends house to get some family Christmas pictures taken. Every year we come here, the kiddos dress up in their cuddly PJs and i dress up like Santa so we can get the best Christmas pictures. While I get ready, Adley and Niko Bear draw pictures for Santa (the real one, not dad santa). The kiddos do great and we head back home for a family talent show, ice skating inside our house, and a musical with pretend play instruments! a non stop, super fun day!! \\\\ Watch Adley's last video: ADLEY HOTEL is now OPEN!! Master Niko helps Dad check in! NO PETS! Orbeez Spa! family pretend play --    • ADLEY HOTEL is now OPEN!!  Master Nik...   Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: our FAMiLY TREE!! Ready for Christmas routine with Adley & Niko! decorate inside our house xmas fun --    • our FAMiLY TREE!!  Ready for Christma...   //// snag some sweet Spacestation merch --- Find me on any social media @Shonduras!! Don't forget to get UNICORN CATCH, Adley's free app Apple -- Google Play Store -- Best Music Ever: FUN WITH ADLEY:    / @aforadley   DAD'S SPACESTATION: FAMILY INSTAGRAMS:   / shonduras     / jennymcbride     / adleymcbride     / nikobearmcbride     / naveymcbride   highfive (leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far)
