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Woodturning - I Maxed Out My Lathe !!

Welcome to this weeks woodturning video. Woodturning - I Maxed Out My Lathe !! In this woodworking video I use a woodturning lathe to turn a large spalted beech log into a beaded vase. When woodturning a piece like I find it important to nibble away at it until I see what shape the wood wants to be, this is what is so enjoyable about woodturning. If you find these videos entertaining I’d appreciate you like, share and subscribe. Thanks for watching. Social media accounts: Facebook -   / jackmackwoodturning   instagram -   / jackmackwoodturning   #woodturning​​ #asmr #beech #vase #woodturningprojects​​ #woodturninglathe​​ #woodlathe​​ #woodturningforbeginners #wood #handmade
