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AMAZING NATURE | Run to survive | Nature Animal Documentary

AMAZING NATURE | Run to survive | Nature Animal Documentary At dawn on the African savannah, the great migration of antelopes begins once more. These iconic creatures constantly move, searching for grass and precious water sources in a survival journey that has lasted millions of years. The herd of antelopes races across the grasslands, like ghosts from a distant past, taking us back to a primeval wild world where the law of survival is determined by strength and cunning. This is the survival battle between lions and antelopes—a fierce natural arena where every step is a gamble with fate. Don’t hesitate to comment with a 1 to let the Nature’s Moments channel know you’re ready! 00:00 nature animal documentary 11:39 animal documentary 32:18 animal documentary series ------------------------- ➡ Subscribe:    / @naturesmomentstv   ➡ Get more of The Simba’s Animal Documentaries:    • New Savage Kingdom 2024 (Full Episode...   ------------------------- This Video researched by: Scott J Address: 2358 E Superstition Blvd, Apache Junction, AZ 85116, US Geographic coordinates: 33.422228, -111.521996 Father's name: Alex Birthday Date 1963-07-21 Age 61 years old ---------------- COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER The Simba does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect. We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. "Fair Use" is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research. For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries contact: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #natureanimaldocumentary #animaldocumentary #animalfight #wildanimals #bigcats #nature'smoments
