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Скачать с ютуб British Leyland's Ford Capri? MYSTERY LOST COUPE - Project Condor в хорошем качестве

British Leyland's Ford Capri? MYSTERY LOST COUPE - Project Condor 7 месяцев назад

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British Leyland's Ford Capri? MYSTERY LOST COUPE - Project Condor

In this video we explore some of the most incredible and mysterious projects british leyland ever created, Project condor, BL's answer to for Ford Capri and how it could have enhanced it's range modifying Austin Allegros, Morris Marina's and Maxi's to create their ultimate form. This video covers projects in brief like ADO70 a lost Mini based sports car and ADO21 the MG D GT the lost mid engined sports car sadly cancelled. In this video there is also a trailer for Decade By Decade, a new series. We explore how each of these incredible projects ended and what happened to these mysterious lost cars More Cool Car Stories Inc Prototypes:    • British Car Stories   Follow me on Instagram for more cool stuff:   / tomisdrivingcars   Credits: AROnline - ADO70, ADO21 and Condor BMIHT - Development footage If you'd like to read more my sources are linked below Condor: ADO70: ADO21:
