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Navy Diver Drowns & Meets his Soul Family (Near-Death Experience) 1 год назад

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Navy Diver Drowns & Meets his Soul Family (Near-Death Experience)

David Bennett shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, drowning during a severe storm off the California Coast in 1983 while acting as Chief Engineer aboard the Navy research vessel "Aloha." During his encounter on the Other Side he experienced the nature of his True Self, got to meet his Soul Family, and was guided by two Light Beings back into his body. David shares with us the Purpose he was given by God and how he was able to beat Stage 4 lung cancer by applying the lessons he learned from his Near-Death Experience. "If you’re going to be grateful, you’ve gotta be grateful for All of Life” - David Bennett David’s Links YouTube Channel ⇨    / davesdharmatalk   Website ⇨ Book ⇨ Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life Support our channel & Become a Member of Coming Home ⇨    / @cominghomechannel   Watch All our Near-Death Experience Stories ⇨    • Near-Death Experiences   Share your NDE Story for consideration on our channel ⇨ Subscribe to our Newsletter ⇨ Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn't end when we die. Connect with us Facebook ⇨   / cominghomechannel   Instagram ⇨   / cominghomechannel  
