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20 minute EDM Indoor Cycling Workout 4 дня назад

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20 minute EDM Indoor Cycling Workout

Sign up for Fit for the Holidays here! We are going to need each other for this one!! When we have 20 minutes, we make every second count!! We have dance themed music and high intensity pushes with every other song being a jog variation! IMPORTANT! The RPMs noted throughout the ride are just a range! Make sure to ride where you feel comfortable! That may be above or below the range indicated. Need a longer WARM-UP?    • START YOUR WORKOUT HERE! | 11 min War...   MY LINKS: Looking for indoor cycling shoes?- Amazon Storefront- Like to know about my outfit?- Become a member here- KCF merch- Spotify playlist- Instagram-   / kaleighacohen   Facebook-   / kaleighcohenfitness   ADD IT: ENCORE!-    • 10-minute ENCORE | Add to ANY workout!   DESSERT!-    • 15 minutes of Post-Cycling Stretching...   RESISTANCE for my classes You always want to feel something under your feet, this will ensure you are doing the work, prevent you from bouncing in the saddle, and protect your knees! 6 - Working your way up that hill | Moderately Light 7 - Mid-hill already, you can definitely feel this! | Medium 8 - This is where heavy really starts to kick in | Moderately Heavy 9 - We are really starting to climb now! This is a challenging resistance! | Heavy 10 - Top of your hill! You should be able to keep a smooth pedal stroke. | VERY Heavy Watch this for more detail:    • Indoor Bike Set Up, Resistance, Posit...   POSITIONS for my classes 1st position: Seated position. 2nd position: Standing with hands at the front of handlebars, also called jogs. 3rd position: Standing with hands at the end of handlebars, also called climbs. Over the Saddle: 3rd position, hips shifted back slightly and chest over the front of the handlebars. Jumps: seated to 2nd position. Freezes: 2nd position, minimizing upper body up and down movement. Leaps: seated to 3rd position. The Trio: seated, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, seated position. Switchbacks: 3rd to 2nd position. Tick Tocks: 3rd to over the saddle. MODIFICATIONS for seated options 2nd position jogs and moves: Stay seated and increase speed a bit, really focus on the pull-up to activate the quadriceps. 3rd position climbs and moves: Stay in the saddle and increase resistance a smidge, really focus on the push-down and pull-up of the pedal stroke to activate the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps maximizing power with the heavy resistance. CHAPTERS: 0:00 - 2:41 WARMING HILL | HEIST MUSIC by NIGHTCAP 2:42 - 4:41 HEAVY JOGS | Alphagun by Splasher! 4:42 - 7:18 CLIMBS | Heartbeats by oomiee 7:19 - 10:32 JOGGING SPEED | Free Fall by ZISO 10:33 - 13:57 ROLLING HILLS | Keep Going by Catiso 13:58 - 16:35 JUMPS/FREEZES | Only Gold Rings by Ooyy 16:36 - 19:37 SPRINTS | I Can't Let U Go by STRLGHT 19:38 - 20:36 COOL DOWN | Rohans by Jozeque Some of the links listed above are affiliate links, such as Amazon, and if you make a purchase through the link, I may make a small commission, this is totally free for you, but it really does help support these workouts for you! Thank you in advance, it is very much appreciated! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 🔴 DISCLAIMER 🔴 When beginning any fitness workout or regimen, it is important to consult your physician to ensure this program is right for you. Do not start this program if your healthcare provider advises otherwise. Any exercises or information on this channel, through videos or comments, is to be used at your own risk. Kaleigh Cohen Fitness will not be responsible or liable for the harm, damage, or injury as a result of any information provided. MB01DHFUJZHZGGY
