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Скачать с ютуб 500k€ MANSORY Rolls-Royce Wraith REVIEW - ultimate Luxury Coupé в хорошем качестве

500k€ MANSORY Rolls-Royce Wraith REVIEW - ultimate Luxury Coupé 7 месяцев назад

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500k€ MANSORY Rolls-Royce Wraith REVIEW - ultimate Luxury Coupé

This Rolls-Royce Wraith Black Badge tuned by Mansory looks absolutely stunning with it‘s tiffany interior and it‘s tuning! Do you like the Wraith like this or would you leave it stock? Hello people I am Moscarblog and I drive and Review the coolest and newest cars for you! So subscribe to Not Miss out! #rollsroyce #mansory #rollsroycewraith Don‘t forget to follow my Instagram to always be up to date! Exterior Front 0:00-2:48 Exterior Rear 2:49-3:25 Interior : 3:26-4:51 Pov Drive : 4:52-8:37 Spectre or Wraith which one? + resume 8:38-10:34 Car by Automobilzentrum Rhein Neckar As always thanks for watching , and Goodbye!
