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The TERRIBLE Ratatouille Rip-Off...

Become a member! 👉    / @dazzreviews   Uploads every Thursday and Sunday, (and MINI episodes whenever!) don't miss out: LINKTREE: Oh boy, Ratatoing. I have heard about this movie for a long long time. An old mockbuster hopping on the tails of Pixar's Ratatouille from a small animation studio in Brazil. In the earliest days of YouTube, and somehow with connections to 4Kids voice actors, so the cast of Sonic X is here! But however it was made, it is iconic. For being just an awful movie, with strange direction, bland plot and a surprisingly wholesome business undertone? Come join us today as we make our way into reviewing The TERRIBLE Ratatouille Rip-Off... #dazzreviews #Ratatoing #TERRIBLESeries #Ratatouille #Pixar #Review #terriblemovies #movie #VideoEssay #mockbuster #clips MORE VIDEOS: ►The Scene That Changed Pixar's Ratatouille...:    • The Scene That Changed Pixar's Ratato...   ►The SPINOFF To Pixar's The Incredibles...:    • The SPIN-OFF To Pixar's The Incredibl...   ►The Scene That Changed Pixar's Toy Story 3...:    • The Scene That Changed Pixar's Toy St...   ►The Pixar Short That Changed Pixar Shorts...:    • The Pixar Short That Changed Pixar Sh...   ►The TERRIBLE Trolls Rip-Off Movie...:    • The TERRIBLE Trolls Rip-Off Movie...   ►What Disney's Wish Could Mean For The Future Of Disney...:    • What Disney's Wish Could Mean For The...   ►The Pixar Short That Changed Pixar Shorts...:    • The Pixar Short That Changed Pixar Sh...   ►The Scene That Changed Aardman's Flushed Away...:    • The Scene That Changed Aardman's Flus...   ►Pixar's Several Toy Story Spin-Off Specials...:    • Pixar's Several Toy Story Spin-Off Sp...   ►The Scene That CHANGED Tears Of The Kingdom...:    • The Scene That CHANGED Tears Of The K...   LINKS: 👉 LINKTREE: 👉 DazzReviews2:    / dazzletsplays   👉 Twitch:   / dazzreviews   👉 TikTok:   / dazzreviews1   👉 Twitter:   / dazzvideos   👉 Instagram:   / dazzreviews   👉 Discord:   / discord   ...I am stunned to hear Dr Eggman in this Ratatoing movie. Though it was more of a soundboard wasn't it? PRECISELY.
