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Bringing your pet to the Philippines? Not so fast 1 год назад

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Bringing your pet to the Philippines? Not so fast

The reason for the USDA process being 28 days, is because the vaccinations must be circulating inside your pet for 14 days before the USDA Health Exam can be completed. The Lepto booster 14 after the others, then requires an additional 14 days. Pet Shipper: Peter DeGuzman [email protected] Importation of pets to the Philippines: Import permit issued by the Philippines’ Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) Health certificate issued by a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) veterinarian or USDA-accredited veterinarian. Mandatory identification of pet dog or cat with ISO compliant microchip / RFID (radio-frequency identification) Note: the above requirements must be presented at the Philippine airport upon arrival of the pet. (Failure to present the requirements may result in pet/s being quarantined upon arrival). PROCEDURES: To obtain an import permit from the Philippines’ Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) Go to and click BAI ONE TIME LINK (almost at the bottom of the page). This leads to the form to fill out and submit. Alternately, do direct to and fill out the form. Applicant will be asked for a Username (email) and password, which will be used to check the status of the application. The status could be: 1) for Endorsement (meaning the application is waiting for the signature of the approving authority); 2) Approved; Rejected (the applicant will have to re-apply). To check the status of the application, go to or If approved, click the reference number and it will bring applicant to the 3-page SPS permit. Print the permit and present this at the Quarantine station in the airport (Philippines). Approval usually takes 1-2 days. Validity of the SPS permit is two months. Please read the other requirements on the permit in order to import your pet(s), i.e. Veterinary Health Certificate and the updated Vaccination Record. For the updated Vaccination Record, the following is needed: DOGS: rabies vaccination and vaccination against distemper, leptospirosis, parvovirus, adenovirus type 2. CATS: rabies vaccination and vaccination against herpes, calicivirus, panleukopenia and feline leukemia To obtain health certificate from US authority Secure a health certificate for each pet from a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) veterinarian or USDA-accredited veterinarian. The health certificate should be dated within 30days before the date of arrival in the Philippines. The certificate should certify that the animal is free from, and has not been recently exposed to, any dangerous or communicable disease, and that it has been given anti-rabies and other required inoculation.
