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"Shir HaS'raphim" (Seraphim Song) from Isaiah 6, Christene Jackman, Messianic worship music video 13 лет назад

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"Shir HaS'raphim" (Seraphim Song) from Isaiah 6, Christene Jackman, Messianic worship music video

Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh. Holy, Holy, Holy. Watch the preview mode version of this reverent messianic worship music video of the song Shir HaSr'aphim (Seraphim Song) by Christene Jackman, from the MP3 Album, "Thirst". The song is based on Isaiah 6:1-4 and was written in Israel. (c) 2009, 2011. All Rights Reserved. EXCLUSIVE MUSIC VIDEO: The only place in the universe you can get this music video, & the PDF chord chart of the song is at: :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you enjoy the music, please feel free to comment, like, and subscribe :) It's one way you can support the music :) Purchasing the MP3's and music videos helps, too :) You are an integral part of keeping the music flowing. Find Messianic praise & worship music and videos by songwriter/singer Christene Jackman here: Some songs are in English and deal with everyday life issues, but most of her focus has been presenting psalms and other Scripture set to music by Jackman and sung in biblical Hebrew. Some in English and biblical Hebrew. As a study tool for learning and memorizing Biblical Hebrew, Christene Jackman decided to include to her songwriting repertoire setting Scripture to music, mainly the Psalms and Prophets, and singing it in the original language: Biblical Hebrew. You can contact, support, purchase MP3 messianic praise & worship songs and more, plus her music video downloads at the official Christene Jackman website: Jackman also hosts the talk show, "The Shuv Show," her other channel on YouTube,    / shuvshow  , where Chris discusses insights and observations from the Bible regarding living out the Written Torah, as the Lifestyle of the Redeemed Community which is based on forever Covenant(s) found in the Bible. As the writers of the Bible: Genesis through Revelation, were all Hebrew, and Near Eastern Hebrew thinkers, inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Spirit of Holiness/Holy Spirit, studying Scripture from the mindset of God's Culture sheds exciting new light on the Ancient Path. KEYWORDS: messianic worship songs, christene jackman, chris jackman, jackman, messianic praise and worship, messianic worship songs, messianic worship videos, hebrew songs, hebraic, songwriter, christian, jewish, shuv show, psalm 27, Adonai Ori, hide me in the secret place, harioo, Shir HaS'raphim, Seraphim Song, Isaiah 6,
