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Скачать с ютуб "Out Of Her Depth!" | Kevin O'Sullivan Slams Angela Rayner's 'Car Crash' Interview в хорошем качестве

"Out Of Her Depth!" | Kevin O'Sullivan Slams Angela Rayner's 'Car Crash' Interview 1 день назад

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"Out Of Her Depth!" | Kevin O'Sullivan Slams Angela Rayner's 'Car Crash' Interview

Angela Rayner had a ‘car crash’ interview on Sky News over the weekend as she stumbled over basic questions on migration and housing. Reforms proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister would see planning applications which meet local development plan requirements bypass council committees. This would be aimed at ending delays to new homes, cutting the time and resources spent on individual schemes and providing more certainty to housebuilders. Talk's Kevin O'Sullivan says: “Is this good enough?” #angelarayner #labour #kevinosullivan #talk Click here for more from Talk If you need any help visit:
