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How To Survive The Winter

Everything you need to know about surviving a long cold winter... Twitter:   / kkortez   Facebook:   / kkortez   It's not a secret that I dislike cold weather very much, it's not a secret because that cold weather has inspired some videos about it in the past, and here's a new one. I really enjoy making these "How To" videos in this format, especially because they have an element of improv/ad-libbing that I don't get to do very often in my videos. This is my second one of these, the previous one being "How to Swim". I hope you enjoyed the video a lot, because I look forward to making more like this in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish Channel:    / eskkortez   Personal Channel:    / kkortez3   Gaming Channel:    / gamezwithkortez   Personal Spanish Channel:    / eskkortezotravez   Gaming Channel (Spanish):    / nojuegueskkortez   Twitter:   / kkortez   Facebook:   / kkortez   Blog:   / kkortez   Google Plus: Instagram:   / kkortez   Pinterest:   / kkortez   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Bicycle by Kevin MacLeod As I Figure by Kevin MacLeod (
