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Predicting Epidemics 1 год назад

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Predicting Epidemics

The COVID-19 pandemic forced researchers and scientists to find ways to predict how the virus was spreading across the United States and around the World. Using computer models that take into account factors like population size, interactions, and disease characteristics. Duke University Statistical Science professor Jason Xu explains how data is now helping to predict epidemics. [7/2023] [Show ID: 38735] More from: Data Science Channel ( Explore More Science & Technology on UCTV ( Science and technology continue to change our lives. University of California scientists are tackling the important questions like climate change, evolution, oceanography, neuroscience and the potential of stem cells. UCTV is the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California, featuring programming from its ten campuses, three national labs and affiliated research institutions. UCTV explores a broad spectrum of subjects for a general audience, including science, health and medicine, public affairs, humanities, arts and music, business, education, and agriculture. Launched in January 2000, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California -- teaching, research, and public service – by providing quality, in-depth television far beyond the campus borders to inquisitive viewers around the world. (
