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Chancellor of the Exchequer through history 1 месяц назад

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Chancellor of the Exchequer through history

Rachel Reeves is making history as the first female Chancellor of the Exchequer to deliver a budget on Wednesday. Reeves is the first woman in a long line of male chancellors that stretches all the way back to 1066. The first ever ‘treasurer’ is believed to have served under William the Conquer during the Norman conquest. Equivalent to the finance minister in other countries, it’s the chancellor’s responsibility to ensure the government can collect enough income to cover its spending plans. And, ideally, to make sure everyone in the land is taxed fairly. Watch more on Independent TV: The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Subscribe: Find us on social: TikTok /   / independent   Instagram /   / the.independent   X (Twitter) /   / independent   Facebook /   / theindependentonline   Download the iOS & Android app: Sign up to our newsletters: Help to support truly independent journalism. Every dollar you contribute will directly fund additional special reports and investigations from a free-thinking, award-winning newsroom you can trust:
