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Скачать с ютуб GDL VLOG - How I Survived GDL Exams | Tips for exam success | BLESSING AT THE BAR в хорошем качестве

GDL VLOG - How I Survived GDL Exams | Tips for exam success | BLESSING AT THE BAR 6 лет назад

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GDL VLOG - How I Survived GDL Exams | Tips for exam success | BLESSING AT THE BAR

Here are my tips on how I survived GDL exams and avoided being overwhelmed (as much as possible). Ensure you are successful by being prepared and ready for anything. For more advice, head to my blog www.BLESSINGATTHEBAR.COM. Facebook meme page:   / carbolicmemes   This vlog is a collaboration between Blessing at the Bar and LawCareers.Net – if you want to read about my journey to the Bar, head to the blog! I share tips and advice for aspiring Barristers. Don’t forget: SUBSCRIBE to the LawCareers.Net channel and to my own channel here: FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: Blog: Twitter:   / blessingmukosha   Instagram:   / blessingatt.  . LinkedIn: Blessing Mukosha Park
