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Spain moves closer to golden visa ban via property investment!

Subscribe here: If you want to move to Europe, golden visas allow you to buy your way to residency. Getting the right to live and work in another country can be a long and difficult process. But that’s not always the case for those with money to spend. Golden visas offer the opportunity for wealthy people to essentially ‘buy’ the right to residency - sometimes without even having to live in the country. And their popularity in the European Union is growing as people look to move away from countries facing instability and political decisions such as Brexit that may limit their safety and rights. With the re-election of Trump in the US, applications for golden visas from Americans are also projected to increase. But golden visas are now gradually being phased out across Europe. Spain has finally secured a legal route to ending golden visas via property investment, with reports suggesting the ban could come into force by January 2025. The ban, which has been approve by the country's Congress, could also affect other investment pathways. Portugal removed real estate investment as a basis for golden visa applications back in October 2023 in the hope of reducing property speculation. The Netherlands followed suit, ending its golden visa scheme in January 2024. But Hungary has bucked the trend by reintroducing its golden visa scheme, with applications open as of this month. So what exactly are these golden visa schemes and why has the EU raised questions about their safety in recent years? What is a golden visa? Residence by investment schemes, otherwise known as ‘golden visas’, offer people the chance to get a residency permit for a country by purchasing a house there or making a large investment or donation. Any applicants must be over the age of 18, have a clean criminal record and have sufficient funds to make the required investment. There are also golden passports, known officially as citizenship by investment programs, that allow foreigners to gain citizenship using the same means. For countries in the EU, this also means gaining access to many of the benefits of being a resident of the bloc - including free movement between countries. Why is the EU against golden visas and passports? In 2022, the European Commission called on EU governments to stop selling citizenship to investors. Though this is different to golden visas, which offer permanent residency rather than citizenship, the call came as part of a move to crack down on this combined multi-billion euro industry. In the wake of the Ukraine war, there were concerns that these schemes could be a security risk. Brussels also called for countries to double-check whether people sanctioned due to the war were holding a golden passport or visa that they had issued. Those who moved to Spain after Brexit will be offered the chance to gain proper residency under a new ruling to legalise 900,000 people. Britons who moved to Spain after Brexit will be offered the chance to gain proper residency under a new ruling. The Spanish government has announced it will grant nearly one million Brits living in the country permanent residency from May 2025. The new reform aims to shorten and simplify both legal and administrative procedures for work and residence permits. This means that Brits and others who moved to the European country will be able to register either as self-employed or salaried workers, also providing them with additional labour rights guarantees. Since the UK withdrew from the European Union in 2020, many British nationals living in Spain have been laying under the radar with no official residence permits. Let’s face facts. For Brits interested in moving to Spain, Brexit didn’t make things any easier – but it’s not as tricky as you might think. It’s been over 4 years since the UK left the EU (European Union) and it’s a topic that has received a lot of attention in the media. Yet, there’s still much confusion regarding whether it’s possible to move to the Costa del Sol – and, if so, how the process works. True, UK nationals no longer have the same freedom of movement they once had. But the reality is, since 2020, thousands of expats have successfully managed to relocate and start their dream life on the Sunshine Coast – and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do the same. Stay connected with us! Facebook:   /   Twitter:   / eudebates   Instagram:   /   #eudebates the unique initiative aiming to promote debate, dialogue, knowledge, participation and communication among citizens. #Brexit #unitedkingdom #Starmer #UK #VonderLeyen #brexitchaos #brexitisnotworking #Spain
