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Скачать с ютуб Ginger Shrimp & Glass Noodles Recipe (Goong Ob Woonsen) กุ้งอบวุ้นเส้น в хорошем качестве

Ginger Shrimp & Glass Noodles Recipe (Goong Ob Woonsen) กุ้งอบวุ้นเส้น 9 лет назад

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Ginger Shrimp & Glass Noodles Recipe (Goong Ob Woonsen) กุ้งอบวุ้นเส้น

This is something I always order without fail whenever we go to a seafood restaurant in Thailand! Glass noodles and shrimp are cooked together in a pot with lots of ginger, garlic and pepper. It's such a classic, with a unique flavour that makes it an iconic dish of Thai seafood restaurants. JOIN US ON PATREON FOR BONUS CONTENT:   / pailinskitchen   MY KITCHEN TOOLS & INGREDIENTS: WRITTEN RECIPE: MY COOKBOOK: CONNECT WITH ME!   / hotthaikitchen     / hotthaikitchen     / hotthaikitchen     / hotthaikitchen   About Pai: Pailin “Pai” Chongchitnant is the author of the Hot Thai Kitchen cookbook, co-host of a Canadian TV series One World Kitchen on Gusto TV, and creator and host of the YouTube channel Pailin's Kitchen. Pai was born and raised in southern Thailand where she spent much of her "playtime" in the kitchen. She traveled to Canada to study Nutritional Sciences at the University of British Columbia, and was later trained as a chef at Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in San Francisco. After working in both Western and Thai professional kitchens, she decided that her passion really lies in educating and empowering others to cook at home via YouTube videos, her cookbook, and cooking classes. She currently lives in Vancouver, and goes to Thailand every year to visit her family. Visit her at #ThaiFood #ThaiRecipes #AsianRecipes
