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BIB - BIBLICAL EP 10 месяцев назад

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Quality Control HQ (2024) 1. The Circle 00:00 2. Two - Faced Planet 01:32 3. Bitter Mind 03:18 4. That's It For The Other One 05:08 5. 32 Below 06:50 ►Vinyl 7" EP: USA: Europe: UK: BIB From Omaha, Nebraska. Nathan Ma - Vocals Jonathan Cobb - Guitar Bill Liebermann - Drums Brock Stephens - Guitar and Bass   / bibhardcore Recorded at Redwoods in Philadelphia, PA in September 2023. Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Arthur Rizk. Assistant Engineer - Aidan Elias. Artwork and Layout by Chase ‘Hellahammer’ Mason. Released January 26, 2024 BIB are back with ‘BIBLICAL’, a new 5 song 7” showcasing what they are known for: frantic, keep you on your toes, but equally poetic and self-reflective, hardcore punk. Since 2015 BIB have been crafting their own vibe, perhaps symptomatic of being from Omaha and not having to adhere to any local scene weighed down by a large history. Having toured extensively across USA and Europe, BIB match their audio energy with manic shows to boot, all done the DIY way. After a demo, 2 EPs, live tape and an LP, there’s still so much to explore and show who’s boss at quick rhythm changes, unusual song structures and dreamy soundscapes all packing a massive punch. Capturing BIBLICAL was led by Arthur Rizk, a legend at the desk, and as expected it sounds huge. The tracks have a gritty feel, littered with a berserk urgency wrapped into lyrics that surround the ideas of life, death and the circle that it brings us through. Songs such as Two-Faced Planet talk about being born into a world of adversity and touches on thoughts of ‘Location Dysphoria’, when you simply feel guilty for existing, and how easily this world and the reality we are born in can be cruel and feel as if all things are working against you. It’s BIBLICAL, let’s go.
