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Build Your Team with AmeriCorps 6 дней назад

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Build Your Team with AmeriCorps

In 2021, Housing Action Illinois launched an AmeriCorps program to place mission-driven individuals with HUD-approved housing counseling agencies across Illinois. Since then, the program has expanded nationwide and has been a great success, connecting dedicated members with agencies nationwide. This initiative is helping to create a new generation of skilled professionals committed to helping individuals and families achieve housing stability and homeownership. In this webinar, we heard from Jerrold H. Mayer, Director, Office of Outreach and Capacity Building, Office of Housing Counseling at HUD who highlighted the benefits of participating in the AmeriCorps Housing Counseling Corps and how HUD funding can be used to support the program. Ken Bigos, Executive Director at Affordable Housing Centers of PA has hosted AmeriCorps Housing Counseling Corps members and shared his experiences, including how the program has benefited his organization and the communities they serve. Willie Heineke who serves as the National Service Program Manager, at Housing Action Illinois, provided detailed information on the program, the application process, and more. Check out this webinar to learn how Americorps members are helping agencies grow and improve their services.
