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Скачать с ютуб SNIFFY 5D - 5 SENSES SCREEN by SAS LJB в хорошем качестве

SNIFFY 5D - 5 SENSES SCREEN by SAS LJB 6 лет назад

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Let's go to CES LAS VEGAS ! Meet us booth n° 51217 at Eureka Park FEATURING..... SNIFFY, The Five Senses Screen SNIFFY is the first screen able to trigger our 5 senses. Sight and earing of course, touch with the screen but for the first time smell and consequently taste ! Highly emotional display, SNIFFY brings to any dynamic advertisement smells of good sweet recipes, perfumes or fuits, enhancing the customer experience. Developped around a unic concept of connected technology and of perfume expertise, SNIFFY provides a multi-sensorial aspect to any product or service through a rotative multi-diffusing system connected (RFID) and able to release calibrated perfume from a specific programmed cartridge. Nearly 100 years ago, screens used to only address eyes and ears. Since then, from the first touch screens in 1983, we can touch and handle the information. But it is time to go further. 2018 is the “nose” year that will introduce olfaction within technology in order to “make the product experience great again”, more realistic and more emotional. The smell remains the most spontaneous and powerful vector of our communicating senses, and SNIFFY adds to it a video-catching technology paired with with an algorithm allowing to measure the customer satisfaction. Smell and its triggered emotion don’t lie, and both open to a conclusive data collect and assess genuine reactions about food, beverage or perfume… Facing the ever growing market of advertisement display, yet estimated to reach 500B$ worldwide (650 in 2022), SNIFFY appears as the solution allowing, through data, to build the first Emotional Artificial Intelligence (E.A.I), monitored and fed by psychologists using mathematical patterns but also bottom-up collected emotional data from customers. Because nowadays AI only runs through rationalized processes (language, code, models, patterns, algorithms, statistics…) whereas the desire behind any purchase is 99% irrational, based upon emotions, feelings and…our senses ! Smell, which is our most connected and oldest sense connected to our deepest and reptilian emotions – as a baby recognizing his mother – is totally committed to our pleasures and appetites. It is time to consider it ! #data #behavioural #smart #consumption #retail #lasvegas #ces #frenchtech #tech #technology #ceslasvegas #whoa #experience #sniffy #customer #market #shop #perfume #olfactory #olfaction #madeinfrance #madeingrasse
