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Скачать с ютуб Jonah Kagen - Broken (In-Studio Acoustic Performance) в хорошем качестве

Jonah Kagen - Broken (In-Studio Acoustic Performance) 3 года назад

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Jonah Kagen - Broken (In-Studio Acoustic Performance)

An in-studio acoustic performance of Jonah Kagen's "Broken." Jonah Kagen “Broken” (Acoustic) Subscribe to Jonah Kagen's YouTube Channel Follow Jonah Kagen Instagram:   / jonahkagen   TikTok:   / jonahkagen   Website: Lyrics: I’m broken, tell you I’m fine But you wouldn’t believe me if you knew the things that crossed my mind And I’m hurting, but I show no sign ‘Cause I’m afraid to give in, break down and waste your time Now I’m begging you to come and pull me out the fire Come and save me like you did when we were young Oh please come bring me up from my lowest take me higher Can you see me through the ashes and the smoke I’m lonely, it’s been so long Since I’ve felt loved, smiled, felt strong And what can I do when I’m not friends with my reflection When I don’t understand affection like you do Now I’m begging you to come and pull me out the fire Come and save me like you did when we were young Oh please come bring me up from my lowest take me higher Can you see me through the ashes and the smoke You say that you’ll help me, tell me I’m worth it But I don’t deserve it, I don’t deserve it It’s easy for you ‘cause you know you’re perfect And I need your hand but I don’t want to burn it There’s blood on the counter and tears on the pages While I write you a letter and then I quickly erase it I’m shattered and beat down broken and weak now So I’m begging you to come and pull me out the fire Come quickly ‘cause I’m burning up inside Oh please come bring me up from my lowest take me higher Can you see me through the ashes and the smoke Pull me out (x3) #Broken #JonahKagen
