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Скачать с ютуб Walking Minneapolis 4K: Bde Maka Ska and Uptown в хорошем качестве

Walking Minneapolis 4K: Bde Maka Ska and Uptown 2 года назад

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Walking Minneapolis 4K: Bde Maka Ska and Uptown

A summer walk in Minneapolis Minnesota USA recorded on Thursday August 11, 2022. The walk starts on the north shore of Bde Maka Ska (formerly lake Calhoun). Enjoy kayakers, beaches, the pop up skate park, sailing, and walk around the under construction Bde Maka ska pavilion before seeing the twin cities sailing club. After walking along the lake we head up lake street toward uptown to Hennepin Avenue and Calhoun square (soon to be renamed seven points uptown). We then head up Girard Ave past lagoon cinema and take a look at the mozaic art park before heading up lagoon avenue and back across the north side of the lake. Recorded on an iPhone X See the map of the walk here: Say hi in the comments or at [email protected] Support the vlog:
