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Скачать с ютуб Port City International University Journalism Fest | A Celebration of Media and Creativity в хорошем качестве

Port City International University Journalism Fest | A Celebration of Media and Creativity 10 часов назад

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Port City International University Journalism Fest | A Celebration of Media and Creativity

Experience the vibrant atmosphere of the Journalism Fest at Port City International University! This event showcases the talent, creativity, and dedication of budding journalists and media enthusiasts. From engaging presentations to inspiring workshops, join us in celebrating the power of storytelling and media. Don't miss the highlights of this exciting fest captured in this video! #JournalismFest #PortCityUniversity #MediaLab #StudentCreativity #Storytelling #JournalismLife #UniversityFest #ContentCreation #MediaEvents #PCIU"
