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Скачать с ютуб All about Orchid media - Bark, moss, LECA & more! | Simple guide for beginners в хорошем качестве

All about Orchid media - Bark, moss, LECA & more! | Simple guide for beginners 5 лет назад

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All about Orchid media - Bark, moss, LECA & more! | Simple guide for beginners

Today we break down the most popular orchid media on the market and discover their properties and what they are good for! 🦋 More info below! 🦋 Bark medium is the choice of many nurseries and orchid growers. It is very airy and doesn't retain too much water. It has an acidic pH and can be found in various sizes. Customize orchid media    • Customizing Orchid media and setups t...   Orchiata bark    • Trying Orchiata bark mix for Orchids ...   Kiwi bark    • Kiwi bark for Orchids - product review   Sphagnum moss is another very popular medium, which requires a bit more attention. Here is how I like to use moss when I repot orchids    • How to use sphagnum moss with orchids   and one of the ways I water orchids in full moss    • How I water Neofinetia falcata orchid...   LECA is the most popular clay medium at the moment and the best setup for it is semi hydroponics, learn more about it here    • Repotting new Orchids in semi hydropo...   and watering orchids here    • How to water Orchids in semi hydropon...   Coconut husk can be a good medium too, but beware of salts! Learn more here    • Q&A - Where to find and how to use co...   Other media used include perlite, lava rock and rockwool. Learn more about how to mix these materials here    • Orchid Care for Beginners - How to re...   #MissOrchidGirl #Orchids Music: Eveningland - Nimbus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌸 Like my channel and want to help it grow? Consider getting some official merch! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌸 Want to send me something? Here's my address! Orchid Nature P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌸 My environment: Subtropical climate, hot summers and mild winters 60-90% humidity, always breezy Growth space is kept at min 17C and max 29C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌸 What I use in my Grow Room: Media: LECA - Pokon or IKEA Various organic mixes from rePotme Sphagnum Moss - Spagmoss from Besgrow or Fertilizer and supplements: MSU Orchid fertilizer for osmosis / rain water Orchid Focus Bloom (when I need something low in N) Pots, containers, baskets: DIY self watering pots and masks from local flower shops Lechuza self watering pots Wooden Vanda baskets Slotted pots from rePotme Lighting: LED shop panels from Leroy Merlin, 4000k Tertial lamps from IKEA + 4000k LED bulbs (various brands) Orvibo WiFi Smart Plugs Shelf units: Shirley's Simple Shelving Lerberg and Mulig from IKEA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌸 See my video playlists!    / missorchidgirl  
