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Скачать с ютуб Off Grid Homestead Heat, Ashley Hearth 1200 sq.ft. Wood Burning Stove by United States Stove Co. в хорошем качестве

Off Grid Homestead Heat, Ashley Hearth 1200 sq.ft. Wood Burning Stove by United States Stove Co. 2 года назад

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Off Grid Homestead Heat, Ashley Hearth 1200 sq.ft. Wood Burning Stove by United States Stove Co.

Self sufficiency, and survival on a farm or homestead is the reason we needed this Model Series 1100 and 1120. Which would you choose for The Lovely Place? We are blessed to have two very similar wood-burning stoves. They both are rated for up to 1200 square feet of space. We can't wait for it to be warm and cozy in our pole barn all winter long. I hope we can get it installed before too long. We have a plan but I want to get your opinion. By the way, a damper is usually located approximately 12 to 18 inches from the stove, prior to the spot where the pipe exits into a chimney, if present. The damper retains heat that escapes up the chimney or flue. It allows this heat to dissipate into the area being heated by the wood stove. So do I have a "Damper"? Is the level I show a damper or is it an air control? Are they the same thing? Calling on all wood stove enthusiasts. #wood stove #burningwood #furnace #heat #polebarn #firewood #homestead #offgrid
