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Tanking Made Easy! 🛡️ One Bar Dragonknight Tank Build for ESO

Dragonknight Tanking is still my favorite, easiest and most effective. This build shows you all the details, skill and gear with or without mythics. Please make sure to like, subscribe and comment as it helps my channel grow! Important Links Written: CP Video:    • Confused by ESO Champion Points? WATC...   Addons:    • Addons, UI, and Keybinds Guide for ES...   📧Business Contact: [email protected] 💜 Twitch:   / deltiasgaming   ❤️ Patreon be in the ending credits:   / deltiasgaming   🔵 Follow me on Twitter   / deltiasgaming1   ✔️ Check out our Website: 👑 Merchandise: ▶️ Starfield Second Channel:    / @starfieldguides   Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:02 Weapon Choices 3:01 Armor Reduction 05:06 Resource Sustaining 06:18 Flex Skills 07:22 INSANE skill! 10:00 Rotation and Control 15:40 Priority Taunt 17:36 Gear 26:05 Non Oakensoul Setup 26:56 Misc 30:25 Attributes 31:15 Champion Points 33:23 Consumables 33:55 Outro 🎥PRODUCT LINKS (Commission Earned) My Streaming Setup Deltiasgaming the Elder Scrolls Online player & coach simple written guides for MMO, MMORPGs, walkthroughs, hints, tricks, builds, news and guides #eso #gaming #mmorpg
