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Скачать с ютуб Native Watercraft Slayer Propel Max 10 Pedal Fishing Kayak в хорошем качестве

Native Watercraft Slayer Propel Max 10 Pedal Fishing Kayak 3 года назад

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Native Watercraft Slayer Propel Max 10 Pedal Fishing Kayak

FishTalk Magazine contributor and Native Watercraft ProStaff Eric Packard talks with Jason Zulli about some of the upgraded features in the Slayer Propel Max 10 Pedal Fishing Kayak. Learn more at ‪@NativeWatercraft‬ FishTalk Magazine and are dedicated to bringing Chesapeake Bay and Mid-Atlantic anglers the straight scoop on fishing techniques, reports, tactics, hotspots, and gear. We cover all kinds of fishing, from freshwater lakes to bluewater ocean canyons, in the Mid-Atlantic region. #fishing #kayakfishing #kayak #nativeslayer
