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EP 6: From the Bronx to Luxury: The Art of Shoe Design with Jessica George 3 недели назад

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EP 6: From the Bronx to Luxury: The Art of Shoe Design with Jessica George

In this episode of Fashion Files with Karis Reneé, host Karis Reneé sits down with shoe designer Jessica George. The two discuss Jessica's inspiring journey from growing up in the Bronx with a seamstress grandmother to becoming an up-and-coming shoe designer. They delve into her design process, challenges faced in manufacturing, and her drive to inspire her children through her work. Jessica also showcases some of her stunning shoe designs and shares her future plans for her brand. Karis and Jessica bond over their shared love for heels and fashion, creating an engaging and inspiring conversation. 00:00 Introduction and Guest Announcement 01:10 Jessica George's Background and Upbringing 06:53 Journey into Shoe Design 10:32 Challenges and Breakthroughs in Shoe Manufacturing 16:35 Favorite Shoe Designers and Inspirations 20:13 DIY Shoe Designs and Inspirations 20:42 Fact or Cap: Shoe Edition 24:33 Current Projects and Future Plans 30:32 This or That: Shoe Edition 35:07 Style Spotlight and Wrap-Up
