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Here’s How Undivided India Got Partitioned on Train 3 года назад

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Here’s How Undivided India Got Partitioned on Train

Shehzada Jan (late), who was a train driver during the partition of undivided India, shares how Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims united for a similar cause. Watch the full video:    • A Train to Partition | Witness to Fre...   ------------------- Support Us on Patreon: ------------------- Subscribe to TCM Original: Subscribe to TCM: ------------------- Follow us on Facebook:  / tcmoriginalsofficial   Facebook:   / thecentrummedia   Facebook:   / centrumenter.  . Tiktok:   / tcmoriginals   Twitter:   / thecentrummedia   Instagram:   / thecentrummedia   ------------------- Join our Facebook community: ------------------- Website: ------------------- About The Centrum Media The Centrum Media (TCM) has the credit of Pakistan’s first digital news operation specializing in visual storytelling. Being a premier online platform, TCM strives to enhance the online experience of the new generation, ranging from hard news to feature stories. TCM creates original content and curates simultaneously from multiple sources. We will take you where the real stories happen but often go untold and unseen in the shortest possible time having more information. Unlike the traditional media, TCM aims at sharing diverse stories across multi-platforms aimed at the people who consume news through mobile and social stream. We take up the challenge in the digital arena to present the news in the most imaginative and innovative ways. Your on-the-go lifestyle forces us to bring the news directly to your pocket devices.
