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The Importance of Accident Insurance with USAble Life 6 лет назад

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The Importance of Accident Insurance with USAble Life

Did you know that more than 3.5 million kids under 14 years old receive medical treatment for sports injuries every year? That's right–children ages five to 14 account for nearly 40 percent of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals. That's why accident insurance is incredibly important, allowing families to focus on recovery instead of finances.  For more than 30 years, USAble Life has been a trusted name among elite carriers in ancillary insurance. Their financial strength and stability provide the security you need in an insurance partner. They offer the advanced expertise and capabilities of a major carrier without treating you like just another number. Learn why accident insurance is something every family should should have. Visit: Like:   / dspacestv   Follow:   / dspacestv   #DesigningSpaces 105147
