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Скачать с ютуб HOW TO: Sculpted Nail Extension with Izemi в хорошем качестве

HOW TO: Sculpted Nail Extension with Izemi 10 месяцев назад

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HOW TO: Sculpted Nail Extension with Izemi

"Neo. Base Gel - the original with low viscosity. I like this when I do extensions because I can lay it down fast as I am not concerned with structure at this point. Hard Gel High ver. - a non flowing thick viscosity gel that perfect for making extensions. Can’t be soaked off. I also have used Resin 99.9 ver 2 for extensions and that works great too. Resin 99.9 Multi. Ver 1 - I like to use potted version of builder gel when I’m building up a long extension. I can put a lot more product on my brush. This one self levels, is durable and leaves my nail crystal clear." - Muze Kiki ♥ Zillabeau is THE largest Korean nail gel shop in the United States, with exclusive brands you can’t find anywhere else in the country! We offer products from the leading nail brands from Korea & Japan, with the latest nail gel products and tools from leading Asian brands, F Gel, Leafgel, Fiote and so much more. Since 2020, we’ve been celebrating how possible creativity is in nail gel artists and designs, whether it’s nail art right at home or at your local salon. Subscribe or follow us on Instagram and Tiktok too! ♡ Website: ♡ Instagram: / zillabeau ♡ TikTok: / zillabeau
