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How to Build a Budget Home Studio

Today, we're diving head first into the audio world so we can get build a home studio and get it up and running. A home studio is an essential tool for a songwriter or composer at any level. These days, it's a necessity to build one. But there are so many options and so much gear to explore – how are we supposed to know what we need and what to get? That's why I'm here. I lay out the four main components of any home studio, and I promise it won't break your bank. Whether you're downsizing your current rig for a new space, or building your very first home studio, I'll give you actual products you can check out that will get you where you need to go. Where are you on your home studio journey? Let me know down in the comments! Also, it would mean a whole lot if you clicked on the title in the video and subscribed to the youtube channel. There's a lot of good we can do there and I need your help to do it. Thanks so much for being here. –Avi Get my FREE GUIDE 7 Ways To Write A More Effective Melody ►► Video mentions:    • Notation Software vs DAW: Which Is Be...  
