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So does private equity own everything?

If you like hard-hitting, long-winded, comedic investigations into incredibly boring financial topics led by the baby-faced assassin of the newsroom Dan Toomey, boy are you gonna love this video. Thanks to the following folks for their generous help with this investigation: Gretchen Morgenson, Senior financial reporter, NBC News Investigations; Jeff Hooke, Senior finance lecturer at Johns Hopkins and former broad-based finance and investment executive; Will Flanary, ophthalmologist and comedian better known as Dr. Glaucomflecken; and Paul Kiernan, Wall Street Journal reporter covering finance and regulation. Follow Gretchen:   / gmorgenson   Follow Jeff:   / jeffhooke   Follow Dr. Glaucomflecken:    / @dglaucomflecken   Follow Paul:   / pkwsj   Blackstone, KKR, Apollo Global Management, The Carlyle Group, and TPG either declined or didn’t respond to our request for an interview. The American Investment Council, a leading lobbying and research organization for the private equity industry, also declined to participate. Video by Dan Toomey and Henry Stockwell FOLLOW GOOD WORK ON IG:   / goodworkmb   ON TIKTOK:   / goodworkmb   ON TWITTER:   / goodworkmb   SIGN UP FOR MORNING BREW: FOLLOW DAN ON IG:   / dhtoomey   What does private equity actually do? 00:00—01:18: Intro 01:18—03:05: Defining private equity 03:05—05:04: Private equity's huge footprint 05:04—06:23: How buyouts work 06:23—10:27: What happens to the bought out 10:27—13:14: How did PE get so big? 13:14—14:34: PE executives are rich af 14:34—16:33: But what about the returns? 16:33—17:57: Breaking news 17:57—19:21: Existential crisis 19:21—19:59: Stuffing their privates
