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The Memecoin Supercycle Will Mint Billionaires - Murad | Ep 14 2 месяца назад

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The Memecoin Supercycle Will Mint Billionaires - Murad | Ep 14

Murad Madhov is an entrepreneur and investor with a unique thesis - the next best-performing assets will be memecoins, crypto assets based on memes. He happens to think that these assets will be create millionaires, deca-millionaires, and billionaires. 00:00:00 The Reality: Why Altcoins are Cooked 00:05:34 The Rise of Memecoins: A New Crypto Era 00:10:59 The Significance of Memecoins and Cult Communities in Crypto 00:21:09 Cryptocurrency Market Trends in Memecoins 00:26:30 Ethereum and Solana: The New Age Casinos 00:31:56 Evolution of Memecoins: From Banks to Memes in Seconds 00:36:52 Accelerationism and Memecoin Dynamics 00:41:50 Navigating the Memecoin Industry 00:46:44 The Memecoin Super Cycle
