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Dorm Tour- Denison University (Shorney Hall) 3 года назад

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Dorm Tour- Denison University (Shorney Hall)

Thank you for watching my Denison University Shorney Hall double dorm tour video! This is the largest/most common residence hall for first-years at Denison University. This dorm room is the standard double size for two students to live in. It has heating, but no air conditioning, so I would recommend bringing a fan. Check out my Shorney Hall single room tour video if you would like to see a smaller dorm for one student. Not every dorm room has the same dimensions or layout. Here is a link to a website with photos of multiple rooms in different first-year residence halls at Denison. I will be uploading more videos on Denison University and college tips/experience! Leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions on future videos. Like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video! ❤️
