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Скачать с ютуб [HD]V.K克《愛∞無限》演奏會Live 網路版、DVD 預告片 в хорошем качестве

[HD]V.K克《愛∞無限》演奏會Live 網路版、DVD 預告片 14 лет назад

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[HD]V.K克《愛∞無限》演奏會Live 網路版、DVD 預告片

史上最震撼的流行演奏盛會 完全顛覆你對鋼琴的所有想像 多人感動落淚,千人漏夜排隊 魔幻鋼琴王子V.K克 台北《愛‧無限》流行鋼琴演奏會 網路版完整原音原影重現 即將推出,敬請期待 V.K克 國際官方網站 V.K克 Facebook   / vkstyle   《V.K克》,台灣新生代跨界演奏音樂最傑出的鋼琴演奏藝人,2009年製作發行首張­鋼琴全創作演奏專輯─《鏡 夜》,旋即拿下台灣KKBOX心靈演奏類排行榜冠軍,擊敗已久據排行榜寶座許久的外國­藝人《凱文‧柯恩》。 2010年,V.K更推出他的最新全創作專輯《愛‧無限》,不但再度攻陷台灣KKBO­X心靈演奏類排行榜冠軍,更在短短一周 內,在博客來演奏銷售排行榜上攻進前三名,引爆風潮。其音樂最大的特色是結合各項華人­音樂的元素,融合多種樂 器,曲風多變,時而清新自然,時而開闊千里;縷縷扣人心弦卻又能讓人感到加倍幸福溫馨­。一直對台灣有著相當大 的關懷以及情感的《V.K克》,利用音樂及網路的力量,在國際間發光發熱,為台灣的藝­術音樂文化,增添一筆筆佳話。 此次在歌迷千呼萬喚之下,終於舉辦個人首場大規模演奏會《愛‧無限》。有別於一般的鋼­琴演奏會,V.K強烈展現 其與眾不同的特質,從選曲到大編制的弦樂樂團,都有著極具巧思的安排,除了將演出膾炙­人口的多首成名曲《鏡 夜》、《純白》、《海洋之息》、《地球之淚》、《愛‧無限》、《琴之翼》、《茉莉‧想­念》,為了不辜負引頸期盼 已久的歌迷們的期望,也為了完美呈現樂曲中的中國風味道,特別邀請火紅的女子演奏團體­《無雙樂團》擔任特別嘉賓, 同台競技,也聘請大型管弦樂團《長榮交響樂團》為其配樂演出。 當然同時也將在演奏會上表演下一張專輯的新曲,帶給大家無限驚喜。不論你是《V.K克­》的粉絲,或是演奏音樂的愛好 者,你絕對不能錯過,史上最炫麗,最動人的跨界鋼琴演奏會:『V.K克《愛∞無限》台­北演奏會』。 V.K, a creative artist with rich talents and outspoken characters, started playing the piano at the age of 4 and composing music at the age of 13, which foretold his destiny to take a profession in the field of music. With surprising absolute pitch and strong musical sensibilities, this well-known internet music producer sincerely expresses the sounds of daily lives through piano and music. After experiencing several pop music album productions, V.K decides to communicate to the world with his own music. This heart-releasing biographical album brings us not only the unforgettable piano melodies, but also invited well-known performing group 《Venus string trio》 collaborating to bring a more perfect sound with strings and drums. Chinese style garnished with Japanese rock,《Crimson Sakura》was produced with the highest specification and will bring a shock wave into the Chinese music industry which has been lacking new blood. Originally produced for MOS burger's TV commercials,《Matcha latte》, 《Pure White》, and 《The Breath of Sea》 are the masterpieces of V.K's style of New Age and has overtaken Kevin Kern's top position and become number one in "KKBOX", the biggest digital music chart in the Chinese region. 《Pure White》imitated Japanese gifted folk singer Hajime Chitose's particular singing style through keyboard and established V.K's unique style of performing. 《Melody of Elves》describes a group of isolated elves who enchantingly symphonize their songs of life. Inspired by the famous Japanese anime film 《Nausicaä of The Valley Of The Wind》, the《Melody of Elves》reveals V.K's master in music for animated films. 《The Season of Vanilla Bubbles》is a hit incidental music in community website "wretch" and has soon hit the top for users utility rate. It describes the pure and melancholy love stories in the snowy white Christmas season. With splendid piano techniques, dazzling rhythmic drumbeats, title track《Reflection》is the newest style of performing as if singing antiphonally in R&B style. The drumbeats, piano and strings collaborate, yet compete with one another to create the sparks that light up the climax to bring you into V.K's piano world. With the release of《Reflection》, V.K expresses his music philosophy with gifted talents and music senses which extend to create amazing musical elements that are both ravishing and alluring. In the winter of 2009, we look forward and hope that the most wonderful touching moments will come down like snowflakes around you and I.
